Chapter I, Page 11

Asking for a Second Opinion

Chapter I, Page 11

Asking for a Second Opinion

Asking for a Second Opinion
No Title
By Andrew-david
June 28th, 2019 at 11:47AM

Hello everyone! =)
We'd like to talk about an idea we had. Sometime next month we'll be recording a one-time podcast of some sort where we all talk about the game and the comic, as well as answer as many questions you request as possible.

We'll all be participating: Andrew-David, Tim, Katie, and Jose if he has time (He's been super busy being awesome lately =P). If you'd like to leave us a question, simply go to the about page and click on the very large "Call Me" button. It will ask for your name and phone number, and then attempt to call you. When you answer, you'll be able to leave your message through your phone, simple! Once we start recording, we'll say "x person asks: *question goes here*".
If you'd prefer us not to mention your name, then just write "anonymous" in the name area! You can also click on the small "Keep number private" checkbox if you want that to be anonymous as well, either way we won't mention the phone number.

We'll keep that button up for one or two weeks, and then we'll remove it so we can start recording. So asks your questions while you can!

We'd also like to talk about merchandise. Recently we got some suggestions to sell some merchandise such as posters, stickers, t-shirts, and buttons! We think it's too early to start selling t-shirts, but we'd love to make buttons, they sound like they could be fun to do! Although we have to know, would you prefer 1-inch , 1.5-inch or 2.25-inch buttons? We'll also be making a digital pdf containing some of the original artwork and concept sketches for both the comics and the game for you to purchase.
And on top of all that, we'll do a few wallpapers for you to download for free as a thanks for being so awesome! =)

And finally, sorry for the long post this week, but we're also almost done doing the cast page, it will contain some basic information and brand new illustrations drawn for each character shown in the comic so far!

Hope you have a great week! =D

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